Let’s look at the iCal that came with Lion.
Does that look like a Mac app to you? I think not.
Yes, I know it is a take-off of the Calendar on the iPad. So why do they piss about with where the buttons are?
Let’s find the “+” button to make a new entry. That’s right, it’s at the top-left. Except it isn’t – if you are using the iPad, it’s the bottom-right. Never mind, I’ll just click “Today” to find out what I’m doing. You know what’s coming: Top-right on the Mac, bottom-left on the iPad. Arrows to move though the screens: let’s spread them around differently.
Oh how are the mighty fallen – this was a completely new app for the Mac and they could have done anything they liked, but they chose to take the iPad App and then make it harder for people to move between them.
It actually beggars belief. When I first tried to use the Mac one, and found myself looking for the buttons, I had to check on the iPad that I was not imagining it.
And yes, I know this all happened a long time ago, but it still pisses me off.
Mm. I recently started using Lion (yeah, I’m behind the times) and it’s driving me /wild/. iCal is especially unusable (it’s so hard to flip between months now), and why does it try to cleverly remember what I had open in each application after I’ve closed the app?