Beds in modern hotels.

I mean, why do they bother putting the bed in at all?
They are so hard that I might as well be sleeping on the floor.
What is the point of having 12 inches of mattress and only using the top half inch?
And then when you go and complain about it they sometimes have the cheek to argue with you that it is good for your back – like they should be telling me what is good for my back?
Do they think they are doctors or something?
Hard beds really do my back in, if I manage to get any sleep at all.
Am I the only one who has ever complained about it?

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Staying in expensive hotels.

Because every time anything goes wrong, and things do, I get annoyed they can’t get it right.
If I am paying half the price then I expect things to be less than perfect, but when it is £100 a night, I don’t expect the automatic wake-up call to be 7 minutes late, and the call lift button not to work, and the toilet seat to be as sharp as a craft knife on my bum, and the toilet cover to bang down when I flush, and £5 an hour or £10 a day for internet is outrageous, and seven television channels is pathetic, they could at least have Freeview, and I expect enough white sugar for two cups of coffee, not just one and even some biscuits or shortbread would be reasonable, and there is a huge hum coming from the ventilation in the bathroom.
And that was just this morning.

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